Chal Tera Basti Lyrics
Chal Tera Basti is a Hindi song by Saemy. The song is a rough and confrontational dialogue between individuals, showcasing a lot of bravado and street talk. It involves accusations, insults, and a show of dominance and power. The singer questions another person’s habit of spreading rumors and making trouble. He mocks the other’s lack of earnings and highlights his own influence and power in the neighborhood.
The singer challenges the other to show their worth in their locality and questions who dares to call them “boss” or “leader” in the singer’s presence. He describes the rough environment of Khidirpur Basti, where people laugh off the troubles, and he criticizes the local authority for not giving money and for being forceful.
The singer talks about wanting respect and daily sustenance, making fun of someone who pretends to be influential but wears cheap, imitation clothes. He also mentions a diss towards Aman Kalakaar and expresses frustration towards someone insulting the artist’s channel and using offensive language.
The song continues with threats and taunts, emphasizing the singer’s readiness to fight and asserting dominance. He mocks the opponent’s weak physical condition, questions their courage, and dismisses their attempts to sound tough. He ends with more threats of violence and humiliation, promising to come back repeatedly to assert control.
In essence, the song is a portrayal of street rivalry, boasting, and the harsh realities of life in a tough neighborhood. It highlights the singer’s confidence, readiness to defend his reputation, and disdain for those he sees as fake or inferior. Saemy’s Chal Tera Basti lyrics are given below.