Death Wish Lyrics
Death Wish is an Urdu song by Talha Anjum. The song reflects on various social issues and injustices, painting a vivid picture of the struggles and challenges faced by people in the city. Here is the meaning conveyed in simple English:
The artist starts by introducing himself, bringing a lot of energy and heat. He mentions having someone strong by his side, someone who can’t be easily challenged. Despite being disconnected from the city’s noise, he remains connected to his community. The song questions how one can seek justice in a city where it seems impossible to find, pointing out the lack of justice he has witnessed.
He talks about the city’s growth without proper leadership or guidance, highlighting the problems and exploitation happening all around. He mentions how drugs are easily accessible, while even finding parking is difficult, indicating the city’s chaotic nature. The song touches on the irony and harsh truths of life, where sometimes everything seems fine, and other times, it’s chaotic and bloody. The artist urges people to think about these contradictions.
The lyrics describe the violence that can occur over trivial matters like cellphones, and how people risk their lives just to make a living. Life here is precious and hard to come by. He criticizes the system, calling it corrupt and ineffective. The authorities, from guards to ministers, are accused of being thieves and the bureaucratic plans are deemed worthless. The artist sees through their lies.
The song continues by highlighting the numerous lives lost and the ongoing struggles, likening the situation to a ticking time bomb. It questions whether there is peace or just another war on the horizon. It reflects on the symbol of the flag, pointing out how people perceive it differently and questioning why there’s a need to see another color in it.
In the grand halls of power, there is only one person who understands the pain, while influential families take control. Protectors are actually the thieves, and the place is filled with corpses and fallen walls from past conflicts. Innocent people have died, and the song questions why people are unafraid of divine punishment for their actions.
Finally, the song addresses the dire needs of the people, wondering how they arrived at such a desperate point. It questions how they can break the back of those in need and reflects on whether people were thieves from birth. Now, with weapons in their hands and hunger in their homes, they don’t miss any opportunity for crime, highlighting the desperation and survival instincts taking over. Talha Anjum’s Death Wish lyrics are given below.