Happy Hour

Happy Hour Lyrics

Happy Hour is an Urdu song by Talha Anjum. In “Happy Hour,” the artist reflects on their journey and current state of mind. The song begins with the artist searching for solace and distraction, using imagery of seeking out a drink and the evening to find comfort and escape. They describe their experiences on stage and the beauty they see around them, highlighting their presence and the recognition they receive.

The artist then explores their emotional state, looking for ways to distract themselves and deal with regrets. They search for meaning and closure, even looking for a lost friend’s name on broken boards, symbolizing their struggle to find peace.

The song continues with a reflection on the passage of time and the artist’s ambitions. They express sleepless nights filled with restless thoughts, trying to make sense of their desires and the challenges they face. This highlights their determination to stay awake and keep striving despite obstacles.

The artist also speaks about feeling disconnected from the world and their unique path. They describe being part of a group that doesn’t always fit in, despite their efforts to connect with others. This sense of being different or out of place is a recurring theme in the song.

As the song progresses, there is a strong emphasis on self-confidence and individuality. The artist asserts their place in the music industry and their refusal to be influenced by fake personas or pretenders. They proudly declare their achievements and their ability to stand out, comparing their influence to that of a powerful force.

The artist addresses their critics and competitors, dismissing those who try to challenge them. They assert their dominance and success, emphasizing their refusal to be intimidated or swayed by external pressures. This confidence is a central theme in their message.

Towards the end, the artist reflects on their role in the industry and their commitment to staying true to themselves. They reject superficial trends and emphasize their authenticity, making it clear that they are not concerned with others’ opinions. This self-assured stance reinforces their message of integrity and dedication.

In summary, “Happy Hour” is a powerful reflection on personal growth, self-identity, and the artist’s place in the music industry. It conveys a message of authenticity, determination, and confidence while addressing the challenges and triumphs of their journey. Talha Anjum’s Happy Hour lyrics are given below.

Lᴀᴅᴋʜᴀᴅᴀᴛᴀ ʜᴜᴀ ᴊᴀᴀᴍ ᴅʜᴏᴏɴᴅʜ ʀᴀʜᴀ ʜᴏᴏɴ
Sᴏᴏʀᴀᴊ sᴇ ᴍᴜᴋʜᴀᴛɪʙ ᴍᴀɪɴ ᴡᴏʜ sʜᴀᴀᴍ ᴅʜᴏᴏɴᴅʜ ʀᴀʜᴀ ʜᴏᴏɴ
Mᴀɴᴢᴀʀ ᴍᴇʀɪ ɴᴀᴢᴀʀ ᴍᴇɪɴ ʏᴇʜ sᴀʙ ʜᴀsᴇᴇɴ
Wᴀʟᴋ ᴛʜᴇ sᴛᴀɢᴇ, ᴄʜᴀᴀʀᴏɴ ᴛᴀʀᴀғ ɴᴀᴀᴍ ɢᴏᴏɴᴊ ʀᴀʜᴀ ʜᴏ

Dɪʟ ʙᴇʜʟᴀɴᴇ ᴋᴏ ᴀʙ ᴋᴀᴀᴍ ᴅʜᴏᴏɴᴅʜ ʀᴀʜᴀ ʜᴏᴏɴ
Aғsᴏs ᴋᴇ ᴀғsᴀᴀɴᴇ ᴍᴇɪɴ ɢᴜᴍᴀᴀɴ ᴅʜᴏᴏɴᴅʜ ʀᴀʜᴀ ʜᴏᴏɴ
Yᴀᴀʀ ᴋɪʏᴀ ᴛʜᴀ ᴅᴀғᴀɴ ʏᴀʜɪ ᴋᴀʜɪɴ ᴀʙʜɪ
Tᴏᴏᴛɪ ᴛᴀᴋʜᴛɪʏᴏɴ ᴘᴇ ᴜsᴋᴀ ɴᴀᴀᴍ ᴅʜᴏᴏɴᴅʜ ʀᴀʜᴀ ʜᴏᴏɴ

Kʏᴀ ʀᴀᴋʜᴜɴ ʙʜᴀʟᴀ ᴡᴀᴏ̨ᴛ ᴋᴇ ᴛᴀʀᴀᴀᴢᴜ ᴍᴇɪɴ?
Yᴇʜ ᴀᴀʀᴢᴜʏᴇɪɴ ᴍᴇʀɪ sᴀʙ ʙᴇᴏ̨ᴀᴀʙᴜ ʜᴀɪɴ
Mᴀɪɴ ᴊᴀᴀɢᴜɴ sᴀᴀʀɪ ʀᴀᴀᴛ, sᴏᴄʜᴇɪɴ ɢᴀᴅᴀʀ ᴋᴀʀᴇɪɴ
Zᴇʜᴇɴ ᴋᴇ ᴍᴀɪᴅᴀᴀɴ ᴍᴇɪɴ ᴊᴀʙ ᴛᴀᴋ ʏᴇʜ ᴀᴀɴᴋʜᴇɪɴ ᴊᴀᴀɢɪ ʀᴀʜᴇɪɴ

Mᴀɪɴ ᴅᴜɴɪʏᴀ sᴇ ᴋᴀᴛ ᴊᴀᴀɴᴇ ᴡᴀᴀʟᴏɴ ᴍᴇɪɴ
Nᴀᴀʀᴀᴢ ʜᴏᴋᴇ ʙʜɪ ʜᴜᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀɴᴀᴀɴᴇ ᴡᴀᴀʟᴏɴ ᴍᴇɪɴ
Hᴜᴍ ᴋʏᴜɴ ᴛᴀᴋᴇɪɴ ʀᴀᴀʜᴇɪɴ ᴀᴀɴᴇ ᴡᴀᴀʟᴏɴ ᴋɪ?
Hᴜᴍ ᴛᴀᴋ ʀᴀʜᴇ ᴏ̨ᴀᴀғɪʟᴇ ᴀʙ ᴊᴀᴀɴᴇ ᴡᴀᴀʟᴏɴ ᴋᴇ

Mᴜɴᴀᴀᴢʀᴇ ᴋʜᴀᴛᴀᴍ ɴᴀ ʜᴏ ʜᴜᴍᴀᴀʀᴇ ᴀʙ
Tᴜ ᴛʜᴇᴇᴋ ᴛᴏʜ ᴍᴀɪɴ ᴛʜᴇᴇᴋ, ᴋᴀᴜɴ ᴋɪssᴇ ʜᴀᴀʀᴇ ᴀʙ?
Sᴜᴅʜᴀʀ ɴᴀʜɪ sᴀᴋᴛᴀ ᴍᴀɪɴ, ʙᴀs ɢᴀʟᴛɪʏᴀɴ sᴜᴅʜᴀʀᴇɪɴ ᴀʙ
Wᴏʜ ᴄʜᴀᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴀ ᴍᴇʀᴀ, ʜᴜᴍ ᴜsᴋᴇ ʜᴀɪɴ sɪᴛᴀᴀʀᴇ ᴀʙ

Cʜʜᴏᴅᴏ, ʜᴜᴍ ᴊᴀ ʀᴀʜᴇ ᴀʙ, ᴋʏᴀ ʀᴀʜᴇ ᴛᴜᴍʜᴀʀᴇ ʜᴜᴍ?
Yᴇᴀʜ, ʏᴇᴀʜ, ɢʟᴀss ʜᴀʟғ ғᴜʟʟ
Aʙ ʙʜɪ ᴛᴜᴊʜᴇ ᴅɪʟ ᴋᴀ ᴘᴏᴏʀᴀ ʜᴀᴀʟ ɴᴀʜɪ sᴜɴᴀ ʀᴀʜᴇ ʜᴜᴍ

Tʜᴀᴛ’s ʜᴏᴡ I ʀᴜɴ ɪᴛ
Jᴀʙ ɢᴀɴɢ ᴘᴜʟʟ ᴜᴘ ᴋᴀʀᴇ, ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ᴋᴀᴜɴ ʜᴀɪ
Mᴜᴊʜᴇ ᴋᴇʜɴᴇ ᴋɪ ᴢᴀʀᴏᴏʀᴀᴛ ɴᴀʜɪ ʜᴀɪ
Mᴀɪɴ sᴀᴍᴀɴᴅᴀʀ ᴊᴀɪsᴀ ᴡᴀsɪ, ᴊɪsᴇ ʙᴇʜɴᴇ ᴋɪ ᴢᴀʀᴏᴏʀᴀᴛ ɴᴀʜɪ ʜᴀɪ

Lɪsᴛᴇɴ ᴜᴘ, I ᴛᴜʀɴᴇᴅ ᴛʜɪs sʜɪᴛ
Uᴘsɪᴅᴇ ᴅᴏᴡɴ, ɪɴsɪᴅᴇ ᴏᴜᴛ
Yᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ’ᴛ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ᴍᴇ, ᴍᴏᴛʜᴇʀғᴜᴄᴋᴇʀs
Jᴀᴀᴏ, ᴍᴜᴊʜᴘᴇ ɪɴsɪɢʜᴛs ʟᴀᴀᴏ

Rɪᴄʜ, ʏᴏᴜɴɢ ғᴇʟʟᴀ
I ᴄᴀɴ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʙɪᴛᴄʜ ғᴇᴇʟ ᴘʀᴇᴄɪᴏᴜs
Fᴜᴄᴋ ʏᴏᴜʀ ɪɴᴠɪᴛᴇs
I ᴡᴀs ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏᴡɴᴇʀ’s ɢᴜᴇsᴛ ʟɪsᴛ

I sᴀʏ ɪᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴍʏ ᴄʜᴇsᴛ
Sɪᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴜɴᴋ ᴀss ᴅᴏᴡɴ
Mᴜᴊʜsᴇ sᴇᴇᴋʜᴛᴇ ʜᴏ, ʙᴀᴄʜᴄʜᴏɴ, ᴍᴜᴊʜᴇ ᴍᴜʀsʜᴀᴅ ᴋᴀʜᴏ
Sᴏᴍᴇ ᴏғ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛᴀʟᴋ sʜɪᴛ
Pᴀʀ ᴍᴜᴊʜᴇ ᴜsᴋɪ ғᴜʀsᴀᴛ ɴᴀ ʜᴏ, ғᴜʟʟ ᴄɪʀᴄʟᴇ
Wʜᴀᴛ ɢᴏᴇs ᴜᴘ, ᴍᴜsᴛ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴅᴏᴡɴ

Nᴏᴛᴏɴ ᴋɪ ᴍᴏᴛɪ ɢᴀᴅᴅɪʏᴀɴ, I’ᴍ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs ᴍᴏᴛɪᴠᴀᴛᴇᴅ
Lᴀɴᴅ ᴏᴡɴᴇʀ, ᴍᴏɴᴇʏ ᴍᴏᴠᴇʀ
Mᴀxɪᴍɪᴢᴇ ᴍʏ ᴘʀᴏғɪᴛs ᴅᴀɪʟʏ
2022, ʀᴀᴘ sᴄᴇɴᴇ ɪs ʙᴏᴏᴍɪɴɢ
Isᴋᴇ ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛs ᴋʏᴜɴ ᴍᴀɪɴ ʟᴏᴏɴ ɴᴀʜɪ?
Nᴇᴠᴇʀ ʙᴀᴄᴋ ᴅᴏᴡɴ, ᴅᴏ ᴡᴇ?

Mᴀɪɴ ᴇᴋ ʜᴇʀᴏ, ʏᴇʜ ᴇᴋ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ
I’ᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴏᴇᴛ, ᴄᴀʟʟ ᴍᴇ Rᴜᴍɪ
Mᴇʀᴇ ᴜɴɢʟɪʏᴏɴ ᴘᴇ ᴏᴘᴀʟ, ʟᴇᴋɪɴ ᴍɪɴᴅsᴇᴛ ʏᴇʜ ʀᴜʙʏ
Mᴀɪɴ ᴊᴇᴇᴛᴇ-ᴊᴇᴇ LᴇBʀᴏɴ, ᴄʜʜᴏᴛᴇ, ᴍᴀʀ ɢᴀʏᴀ ᴛᴏʜ Kᴏʙᴇ

Kᴀʀᴀᴄʜɪ ᴋᴇ ʟɪʏᴇ ᴊᴀᴀɴ ʜᴀᴀᴢɪʀ
Lɪᴋᴇ ᴍʏ ғᴜᴄᴋɪɴ’ ʜᴏᴍɪᴇs
Iɴᴅᴜsᴛʀʏ ᴍᴇʀɪ ᴅᴏsᴛ ɴᴀʜɪ, ʙʀᴏ, sᴇᴇᴅʜᴀ ᴛᴀᴋᴇᴏᴠᴇʀ
Wʜᴏ ᴡᴀɴᴛ sᴍᴏᴋᴇ?
Aʟʙᴜᴍ ᴍᴏᴅᴇ ʜᴀɪ ᴍᴇʀᴀ sᴍᴏᴋᴇ, ʙʀᴇᴀᴋ ᴏᴠᴇʀ

Nᴏᴡ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴄᴏᴠᴇʀ
Tʜɪs sʜɪᴛ ɪs ɢᴏɪɴɢ ʙᴏᴏᴍ
Sɪᴛ ʙᴀᴄᴋ, ʙᴀᴄʜᴋᴀɴᴇ Lᴏᴏɴᴇʏ Tᴜɴᴇs, sʜᴜᴛᴜᴘ

Yᴏ, ʟɪsᴛᴇɴ ᴜᴘ
Aᴛ ᴛʜɪs ᴘᴏɪɴᴛ ᴡᴇ ᴅᴏɴ’ᴛ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ɴᴏ ʙᴇᴇғ
Wɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇsᴇ sᴛᴜᴅɪᴏ ɢᴀɴɢsᴛᴇʀs
Nᴏ, ᴡᴇ ᴅᴏɴᴛ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇsᴇ sᴛᴜᴅɪᴏ ɢᴀɴɢsᴛᴇʀs
Asʟɪ ʜᴀɪ
Tʜɪs Aɪɴ’ᴛ ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ‘ɢʀᴀᴍ, Jᴏᴋʜᴀʏ ᴀᴜʀ ᴍᴀɪɴ
Aɴᴅ ᴡᴇ ᴅᴏɴ’ᴛ ғᴜᴄᴋ ᴡɪᴛʜ ɴᴏ sᴛᴜᴅɪᴏ ɢᴀɴɢsᴛᴇʀs

Nᴏ sᴛᴜᴅɪᴏ ɢᴀɴɢsᴛ…
Gᴀɴɢ, ɢᴀɴɢsᴛᴇʀs, ɢᴀɴɢsᴛ…
Aɴᴅ ᴡᴇ ᴅᴏɴ’ᴛ, ᴡᴇ…
Aɴᴅ ᴡᴇ ᴅᴏɴ’ᴛ ғᴜᴄᴋ ᴡɪᴛʜ ɴᴏ sᴛᴜᴅɪᴏ ɢᴀɴɢ… (ɢᴀɴɢ)
Nᴏ (ɴᴏʙᴏᴅʏ, ɴᴏ ᴏɴᴇ), ɴᴏ sᴛᴜᴅɪᴏ ɢᴀɴɢsᴛᴇʀs
(Nᴏʙᴏᴅʏ, ɴᴏʙᴏᴅʏ), ɴᴏ sᴛᴜᴅɪᴏ ɢᴀɴɢsᴛᴇʀs


Talha Anjum
Release Date:
February 18, 2023

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