
Ibadatein Lyrics

Ibadatein is a Hindi song by Rito Riba. The singer is deeply in love and feels that their life is incomplete without their beloved. They express that their very breath and existence are intertwined with their beloved, making their presence essential for their happiness and well-being. The beloved’s presence transforms ordinary days into something special and meaningful.

The singer reflects on their relationship as something destined by a higher power, suggesting that their bond is divinely ordained. They feel a profound sense of devotion and connection, almost like a spiritual calling. This connection is so strong that the singer desires to worship their beloved, follow them everywhere, and be their constant companion.

The song poetically describes the beloved as being as vital and beautiful as rain and sunlight. Their presence fills every moment of day and night, symbolizing the beloved’s importance in every aspect of life. The beloved is compared to a river that flows through the singer’s existence, indicating how their love and influence pervade all aspects of life.

In essence, the song is a celebration of a love so deep that the singer feels it is divinely intended. They are committed to following and adoring their beloved, finding their greatest joy and peace in their presence. The singer’s devotion is portrayed as a form of worship, emphasizing how integral their beloved is to their happiness and sense of purpose. Rito Riba’s Ibadatein lyrics are given below.

Jᴏ ɴᴀ ᴋᴀʜᴀ, sᴜɴ ᴢᴀʀᴀ
Kᴏɪ ɴᴀʜɪ ᴛᴇʀᴇ ʙɪɴ ᴍᴇʀᴀ
Tᴜᴊʜsᴇ ʜᴀɪɴ sᴀᴀɴsᴇɪɴ ʀᴀᴠᴀᴀɴ

Tᴜ ʜᴀɪ ᴛᴏʜ ᴅɪɴ ʙᴀɴ ɢᴀʏᴀ
Tᴇʀᴇ ʙɪɴᴀ ᴄʜʜɪɴ ɢᴀʏᴀ
Tᴜᴊʜsᴇ sᴀʟᴀᴀᴍᴀᴛ ʜᴀɪ ᴊᴀʜᴀᴀɴ

Mᴇʀᴇ ᴅɪʟ ᴋᴏ ᴛᴜᴊʜsᴇ ᴀɪsᴇ ᴊᴏ ʏᴇʜ ʙᴀᴀɴᴅʜᴀ ʜᴀɪ
Lᴀᴀɢᴇ ᴋʜᴜᴅᴀ ᴋᴀ ɪʀᴀᴀᴅᴀ
Kᴀɪsᴇ ɴᴀ ᴍᴀᴀɴᴜɴ ᴜsᴋᴀ ᴋᴀʜᴀ? Tᴜ ʜɪ ʙᴀᴛᴀ

Mᴀɪɴ ɪʙᴀᴅᴀᴛᴇɪɴ ᴋᴀʀᴜɴ ᴛᴇʀɪ, ʜᴀᴀɴɪʏᴇ
Sᴀɴɢ ᴛᴇʀᴇ ʜᴏᴠᴇ ʀᴏᴏʜ, ᴍᴇʀɪ ʜᴀᴀɴɪʏᴇ
Mᴀɪɴ ᴍᴀɢᴀɴ ʜɪ ᴘʜɪʀᴏᴏɴ, ᴍᴇʀɪ ʜᴀᴀɴɪʏᴇ
Tᴜ ᴀᴀɢᴇ-ᴀᴀɢᴇ ᴄʜᴀʟᴇ
Tᴇʀᴇ ᴘɪᴄʜᴄʜʜᴇ-ᴘɪᴄʜᴄʜʜᴇ ᴀᴀᴜɴ ᴍᴀɪɴ

Mᴀɪɴ ɪʙᴀᴅᴀᴛᴇɪɴ ᴋᴀʀᴜɴ ᴛᴇʀɪ, ʜᴀᴀɴɪʏᴇ
Sᴀɴɢ ᴛᴇʀᴇ ʜᴏᴠᴇ ʀᴏᴏʜ, ᴍᴇʀɪ ʜᴀᴀɴɪʏᴇ
Mᴀɪɴ ᴍᴀɢᴀɴ, ᴛᴜ sᴜᴋᴏᴏɴ, ᴍᴇʀɪ ʜᴀᴀɴɪʏᴇ
Tᴜ ᴀᴀɢᴇ-ᴀᴀɢᴇ ᴄʜᴀʟᴇ
Tᴇʀᴇ ᴘɪᴄʜᴄʜʜᴇ-ᴘɪᴄʜᴄʜʜᴇ ᴀᴀᴜɴ ᴍᴀɪɴ

Tᴜ ᴀᴀɢᴇ, ᴀᴀɢᴇ, ᴀᴀɢᴇ ᴄʜᴀʟᴇ
Mᴀɪɴ ᴘɪᴄʜᴄʜʜᴇ, ᴘɪᴄʜᴄʜʜᴇ, ᴘɪᴄʜᴄʜʜᴇ ᴛᴇʀᴇ
Tᴜ ᴀᴀɢᴇ, ᴀᴀɢᴇ, ᴀᴀɢᴇ ᴄʜᴀʟᴇ
Mᴀɪɴ ᴘɪᴄʜᴄʜʜᴇ, ᴘɪᴄʜᴄʜʜᴇ, ᴘɪᴄʜᴄʜʜᴇ ᴛᴇʀᴇ

Tᴜ ʙᴀᴀʀɪsʜᴏɴ ᴍᴇɪɴ ᴡᴏʜ ᴋᴜᴄʜ ᴋɪʀɴᴇɪɴ ᴅʜᴏᴏᴘ ᴋɪ
Tᴇʀɪ ᴀᴅᴀ ᴍᴇɪɴ ʜᴀɪɴ ɴᴀᴢʀᴇɪɴ ʏᴇʜ ᴅᴏᴏʙᴛɪ
Sʜᴀᴀᴍ-ᴏ-sᴇʜᴀʀ ʙᴀʜᴇ ᴊᴏ ᴛᴇʀᴇ ʀᴀɴɢᴏɴ ᴋɪ ɴᴀᴅɪ
Lᴇʜᴀʀ-ʟᴇʜᴀʀ ᴜsᴍᴇɪɴ ʜɪ ʀᴇʜɴᴀ ʜᴀʀ sᴀᴅɪ

Tᴇʀᴀ-ᴍᴇʀᴀ, ᴍᴇʀᴀ-ᴛᴇʀᴀ ᴊᴏ ʏᴇʜ ɴᴀᴀᴛᴀ ʜᴀɪ
Lᴀᴀɢᴇ ᴋʜᴜᴅᴀ ᴋᴀ ɪʀᴀᴀᴅᴀ
Kᴀɪsᴇ ɴᴀ ᴍᴀᴀɴᴜɴ ᴜsᴋᴀ ᴋᴀʜᴀ? Tᴜ ʜɪ ʙᴀᴛᴀ

Mᴀɪɴ ɪʙᴀᴅᴀᴛᴇɪɴ ᴋᴀʀᴜɴ ᴛᴇʀɪ, ʜᴀᴀɴɪʏᴇ
Sᴀɴɢ ᴛᴇʀᴇ ʜᴏᴠᴇ ʀᴏᴏʜ, ᴍᴇʀɪ ʜᴀᴀɴɪʏᴇ
Mᴀɪɴ ᴍᴀɢᴀɴ ʜɪ ᴘʜɪʀᴏᴏɴ, ᴍᴇʀɪ ʜᴀᴀɴɪʏᴇ
Tᴜ ᴀᴀɢᴇ-ᴀᴀɢᴇ ᴄʜᴀʟᴇ
Tᴇʀᴇ ᴘɪᴄʜᴄʜʜᴇ-ᴘɪᴄʜᴄʜʜᴇ ᴀᴀᴜɴ ᴍᴀɪɴ

Mᴀɪɴ ɪʙᴀᴅᴀᴛᴇɪɴ ᴋᴀʀᴜɴ ᴛᴇʀɪ, ʜᴀᴀɴɪʏᴇ
Sᴀɴɢ ᴛᴇʀᴇ ʜᴏᴠᴇ ʀᴏᴏʜ, ᴍᴇʀɪ ʜᴀᴀɴɪʏᴇ
Mᴀɪɴ ᴍᴀɢᴀɴ, ᴛᴜ sᴜᴋᴏᴏɴ, ᴍᴇʀɪ ʜᴀᴀɴɪʏᴇ
Tᴜ ᴀᴀɢᴇ-ᴀᴀɢᴇ ᴄʜᴀʟᴇ
Tᴇʀᴇ ᴘɪᴄʜᴄʜʜᴇ-ᴘɪᴄʜᴄʜʜᴇ ᴀᴀᴜɴ ᴍᴀɪɴ

Tᴜ ᴀᴀɢᴇ, ᴀᴀɢᴇ, ᴀᴀɢᴇ ᴄʜᴀʟᴇ
Mᴀɪɴ ᴘɪᴄʜᴄʜʜᴇ, ᴘɪᴄʜᴄʜʜᴇ, ᴘɪᴄʜᴄʜʜᴇ ᴛᴇʀᴇ
Tᴜ ᴀᴀɢᴇ, ᴀᴀɢᴇ, ᴀᴀɢᴇ ᴄʜᴀʟᴇ
Mᴀɪɴ ᴘɪᴄʜᴄʜʜᴇ, ᴘɪᴄʜᴄʜʜᴇ, ᴘɪᴄʜᴄʜʜᴇ ᴛᴇʀᴇ

Tᴜ ᴀᴀɢᴇ, ᴀᴀɢᴇ, ᴀᴀɢᴇ ᴄʜᴀʟᴇ
Mᴀɪɴ ᴘɪᴄʜᴄʜʜᴇ, ᴘɪᴄʜᴄʜʜᴇ, ᴘɪᴄʜᴄʜʜᴇ ᴛᴇʀᴇ
Tᴜ ᴀᴀɢᴇ, ᴀᴀɢᴇ, ᴀᴀɢᴇ ᴄʜᴀʟᴇ
Mᴀɪɴ ᴘɪᴄʜᴄʜʜᴇ, ᴘɪᴄʜᴄʜʜᴇ, ᴘɪᴄʜᴄʜʜᴇ ᴛᴇʀᴇ


Siddhant Kaushal
Release Date:
June 26, 2024

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