Lost in Time Lyrics
Lost in Time is an Urdu song by Talha Anjum. This song is about the feelings of someone who feels lost and disconnected while on a journey, both physically and emotionally. The lyrics express a longing to be guided and taken somewhere away from the confusion and struggles of life. The person is tired of wandering aimlessly and seeks a deeper connection with someone who can lead them out of this emotional state.
The song begins by describing how the person has been on a journey, losing track of themselves along the way. They assure their companion of their loyalty and urge them not to be afraid when the world questions their bond. The person wants to break away from everything and escape to a place where they can find peace. They describe how sleepless nights have blended into mornings, yet they remain restless.
The repeated line “Tu le chal kahin” (Take me somewhere) emphasizes the plea to be led somewhere, anywhere, as they feel like a lost traveler in search of direction. The person has been carrying heavy thoughts, burdened by their own mind, and realizing they’ve lived much of their life believing in illusions. Despite seeing beauty in simplicity, they have spent years caught up in complicated emotions and unexpressed sadness.
The person reflects on how their connection with this companion began but now feels like it’s ending with them left alone. They acknowledge that they may never get the chance to reconnect, which brings about a sense of despair. They have tried to hide their pain while still holding onto the hope of finding comfort in their companion’s presence.
As the song progresses, the person reveals that they’ve struggled to express their emotions and now feel resigned to silence. They admit that they tried to share their feelings, but when they weren’t truly heard, they chose to retreat. The constant worry and anxiety over the absence of their companion consume them. They mention how they will go out and sell their words (possibly referring to their art or music) because that’s all they have left.
The song ends with a return to the idea of being a wanderer, longing to be taken somewhere away from the pain and confusion. The repeated plea “Tu le chal kahin” reflects the person’s deep desire to be guided to a place where they can find solace and escape from their inner turmoil. Talha Anjum’s Lost in Time lyrics are given below.