Shri Raghuvar Ki Vanar Sena Lyrics
Shri Raghuvar Ki Vanar Sena is a Hindi song by Various Artists. The song talks about the story of Lord Ram and his army of monkeys building a bridge to Lanka to rescue Sita and defeat Ravana.
It begins by calling Lord Ram the protector of dharma and describing the building of a stone bridge. Each stone has Ram’s name written on it, ensuring they won’t sink but will support the weight needed. Not only monkeys but all the creatures of the sea and mountains help in building this bridge, blessed and supported by the gods.
The song praises Lord Ram and his vanar (monkey) army as they construct the bridge. It declares that no one in the world can save Ravana now. As the stones join and the sea splits, fear spreads in Lanka, and Sita is filled with joy.
It emphasizes the power and glory of Ram’s name, stating that remembering Ram’s name brings blessings and success. It says that Ram’s name can dispel sorrow and that touching Ram’s feet makes even stones float on water.
The song highlights the importance of unity and devotion in achieving success. The vanar army, dedicated to protecting dharma, successfully crosses the sea to build the bridge. It reiterates that there is no protector for Ravana’s life in the world and celebrates the building of the bridge by Ram’s devoted army. Various Artists’s Shri Raghuvar Ki Vanar Sena lyrics are given below.