Sun Saiyan

Sun Saiyan Lyrics

Sun Saiyan is an Urdu song by Masroor Ali Khan. This song beautifully captures the intense pain and yearning caused by a love that remains unfulfilled. The lyrics begin with the singer questioning the kind of fire that has been ignited in their heart by the one they love. The hurt is so deep that even their tears seem to have learned how to cry, reflecting a sorrow that has become a constant companion. The burning sensation in the heart is symbolic of the emotional turmoil and the anguish they feel from being wounded by love.

As the song progresses, the singer reflects on what is left in this world and wonders why they still hold onto desires and wishes despite knowing how love has hurt them. There is a sense of disillusionment and hopelessness, as they realize that their yearning for the person they love remains unquenched. Even though they struggle and suffer, they find themselves unable to extinguish the fire of longing that continues to burn within their heart.

The lyrics also convey the difficulty of expressing such deep emotions. The singer wishes that their beloved could understand the unspoken language of their silence, as they themselves struggle to put their feelings into words. Despite all the heartache, the singer prays for their beloved to remain in their heart, constantly wishing for their well-being and happiness, even if that means enduring more pain.

The recurring chorus emphasizes these prayers for the beloved’s happiness, highlighting the selfless nature of the singer’s love. Even while grappling with their own sadness, the singer continues to care deeply for the one they love. The song also hints at a sense of impending accountability, as it suggests that a day will come when everyone must answer for their actions, perhaps hinting at a karmic consequence for the pain caused in love.

In the closing verses, the singer reflects on the regrets and disappointments they face. The once-vibrant dreams and joys have withered away, leaving behind a sense of emptiness. The singer even feels betrayed by themselves, as they can’t fully blame anyone else for their suffering. The journey down the path of love has left them feeling lost and conflicted, as they struggle to find their way. Ultimately, they are left wondering whether they will be drowned by the overwhelming waves of love or if they will manage to rise above the pain and reach the other side. The song beautifully portrays the complexity of love—its capacity to bring both immense joy and profound sorrow. Masroor Ali Khan’s Sun Saiyan lyrics are given below.

Dɪʟ ᴍᴇɪɴ ᴀᴀɢ ʜᴀɪ ʏᴇʜ ᴋᴀɪsɪ ᴛᴜ ʟᴀɢᴀ ɢᴀʏᴀ?
Mᴇʀᴇ ᴀsʜᴋᴏɴ ᴋᴏ ʙʜɪ ʀᴏɴᴀ ᴀʙ ʜᴀɪ ᴀᴀ ɢᴀʏᴀ
Dɪʟ ᴍᴇɪɴ ᴀᴀɢ ʜᴀɪ ʏᴇʜ ᴋᴀɪsɪ ᴛᴜ ʟᴀɢᴀ ɢᴀʏᴀ?
Mᴇʀᴇ ᴀsʜᴋᴏɴ ᴋᴏ ʙʜɪ ʀᴏɴᴀ ᴀʙ ʜᴀɪ ᴀᴀ ɢᴀʏᴀ

Dᴜɴɪʏᴀ ᴍᴇɪɴ ᴋʏᴀ ʙᴀᴀᴏ̨ɪ ʀᴀʜᴀ?
Kʏᴜɴ ᴊᴀᴀɴᴇ ᴋʜᴡᴀʜɪsʜᴇɪɴ ᴋᴀʀᴇ ᴛᴜ ᴅɪʟʟᴀɢɪ ᴋɪ

Sᴜɴ sᴀɪʏᴀɴ, ᴛᴇʀᴇ ɪsʜᴏ̨ ᴅɪʏᴀɴ ᴋʜᴀɪʀᴀɴ ᴍᴀɴɢɪʏᴀᴀɴ
Sᴜɴ sᴀɪʏᴀɴ, ᴛᴇʀᴇ ɪsʜᴏ̨ ᴅɪʏᴀɴ ᴋʜᴀɪʀᴀɴ ᴍᴀɴɢɪʏᴀᴀɴ

Pᴀ ᴍᴀ ɢᴀ ᴍᴀ ʀᴇ ɢᴀ sᴀ ʀᴇ ɴɪ sᴀ sᴀ sᴀ sᴀ
Pᴀ ᴍᴀ ɢᴀ ᴍᴀ ʀᴇ ɢᴀ sᴀ ʀᴇ ɴɪ sᴀ sᴀ sᴀ
Sᴀ ᴘᴀ ᴍᴀ ɢᴀ ʀᴇ
Rᴇ ɢᴀ ᴍᴀ ɢᴀ ʀᴇ ɢᴀ ᴍᴀ ɢᴀ ʀᴇ ɢᴀ sᴀ

Tᴇʀɪ ᴀᴀʀᴢᴜ ɴᴀ ᴍɪᴛᴀ sᴀᴋᴇ
Nᴀ ʜɪ ᴊᴀᴀɴ ᴛᴜᴊʜᴘᴇ ʟᴜᴛᴀ sᴀᴋᴇ
Yᴏᴏɴ ᴛᴀᴅᴀᴘ-ᴛᴀᴅᴀᴘ ᴋᴀʀ ᴊᴀʟᴇ, ᴍᴀɢᴀʀ
Nᴀ ʜɪ ᴀɢᴀɴ ᴋᴏ ᴅɪʟ sᴇ ʙᴜᴊʜᴀ sᴀᴋᴇ

Kʜᴀᴍᴏsʜɪʏᴏɴ ᴋɪ ᴢᴜʙᴀᴀɴ sᴀᴍᴀᴊʜ
Mᴇʀᴀ ʜᴀᴀʟ ᴋʏᴀ ᴍᴀɪɴ ʙᴀʏᴀᴀɴ ᴋᴀʀᴜɴ
Mᴇʀᴇ ᴅɪʟ ᴍᴇɪɴ ᴛᴜ ʜɪ ʙᴀsᴀ ʀᴀʜᴇ
Yᴀʜɪ ʜᴀʀ ɢʜᴀᴅɪ ᴍᴀɪɴ ᴅᴜᴀ ᴋᴀʀᴜɴ

Sᴜɴ sᴀɪʏᴀɴ, ᴛᴇʀᴇ ɪsʜᴏ̨ ᴅɪʏᴀɴ ᴋʜᴀɪʀᴀɴ ᴍᴀɴɢɪʏᴀᴀɴ
Sᴜɴ sᴀɪʏᴀɴ, ᴛᴇʀᴇ ɪsʜᴏ̨ ᴅɪʏᴀɴ ᴋʜᴀɪʀᴀɴ ᴍᴀɴɢɪʏᴀᴀɴ

Oʜ, ᴊʜᴀʟʟᴇʏᴀ, ᴋᴀʀ ʟᴇ ᴛᴜ ᴛᴀɪʏᴀᴀʀɪ, ᴋᴀʟ ʜɪsᴀᴀʙ ʜᴀɪ
Tᴜᴊʜᴋᴏ ᴀᴍʟᴏɴ ᴋᴀ ᴅᴇɴᴀ ᴀʙ ᴊᴀᴡᴀᴀʙ ʜᴀɪ

Dᴜɴɪʏᴀ ᴍᴇɪɴ ᴋʏᴀ ʙᴀᴀᴏ̨ɪ ʀᴀʜᴀ?
Kʏᴜɴ ᴊᴀᴀɴᴇ ᴋʜᴡᴀʜɪsʜᴇɪɴ ᴋᴀʀᴇ ᴛᴜ ᴅɪʟʟᴀɢɪ ᴋɪ

Sᴜɴ sᴀɪʏᴀɴ, ᴛᴇʀᴇ ɪsʜᴏ̨ ᴅɪʏᴀɴ ᴋʜᴀɪʀᴀɴ ᴍᴀɴɢɪʏᴀᴀɴ
Sᴜɴ sᴀɪʏᴀɴ, ᴛᴇʀᴇ ɪsʜᴏ̨ ᴅɪʏᴀɴ ᴋʜᴀɪʀᴀɴ ᴍᴀɴɢɪʏᴀᴀɴ
(Isʜᴏ̨ ᴅɪʏᴀɴ ᴋʜᴀɪʀᴀɴ ᴍᴀɴɢɪʏᴀᴀɴ)
Sᴜɴ sᴀɪʏᴀɴ, ᴛᴇʀᴇ ɪsʜᴏ̨ ᴅɪʏᴀɴ ᴋʜᴀɪʀᴀɴ ᴍᴀɴɢɪʏᴀᴀɴ
Sᴜɴ sᴀɪʏᴀɴ, ᴛᴇʀᴇ ɪsʜᴏ̨ ᴅɪʏᴀɴ ᴋʜᴀɪʀᴀɴ ᴍᴀɴɢɪʏᴀᴀɴ

Mᴜʀᴊʜᴀ ɢᴀʏᴇ ᴊᴏ ᴋʜɪʟᴇ ʏᴀʜᴀɴ, ᴊᴏ ʙʜɪ ᴘʜᴏᴏʟ ʜᴜᴍᴋᴏ ᴍɪʟᴇ ʏᴀʜᴀɴ
Mᴜᴊʜᴇ ᴋʜᴜᴅ sᴇ ʜɪ sʜɪᴋᴠᴇ ʏᴀʜᴀɴ, ᴋɪsɪ ᴀᴜʀ sᴇ ᴋʏᴀ ɢɪʟᴇ ʏᴀʜᴀɴ
Mᴀɪɴ ɪsʜᴏ̨ ᴅɪ ʀᴀᴀʜ ‘ᴛᴇ ᴛᴜʀ ᴘᴀʏᴀ, ᴍᴀɪɴ ɪsʜᴏ̨-ᴋᴀsʜɪsʜ ɴᴀᴀʟ ᴊᴜᴅ ᴘᴀʏᴀ
Yᴀ ᴅᴜʙʙ ᴊᴀᴀᴠᴀᴀɴ, ʏᴀ ᴘᴀᴀʀ ʟᴀɢᴀᴀɴ, ᴍᴀɪɴ ɪsʜᴏ̨ ᴅɪ ʟᴇʜᴇʀ ‘ᴄʜ ᴅᴜʙ ɢᴀʏᴀ


Asad Shah & Goher Mumtaz
Release Date:
January 8, 2018

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